I Need To Struggle To Reach My Goals

October 8

Yesterday, I started working with a new client. 

He is a leader and over-achiever, and with his project, he aspires to make a global impact.

What struck me was his firm belief, “Struggle is necessary! Achieving your goals is a journey filled with hardships and challenges and it’s not fun!” 

I have been there. 

Building my online business in the concert photography space was a constant emotional rollercoaster ride. 

From the highest highs (when I sold 30 online courses for 15 000 Euros in 4 days) to the deepest depths (when I sold 0 courses on the following course launch).

Sometimes, I loved my business, and in other moments, I hated it (actually, I blamed my prospect customers for not buying my course). 

These extreme emotional swings not only affected me but also my relationships with my loved ones and friends.

I almost forgot about these challenging years because I am handling things differently today. 

I am curious: what is your opinion on  “Is struggling a must for Success?” 

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