Our world is going to sh*t (and one way to deal with it)

October 8

About one year ago, I worked with an entrepreneur/leader who wanted to be more present in his life.

He told me that he watches the news daily to stay informed about what’s going on in the world.

During our session, he became aware that watching the news makes him fearful and concluded that he wants to create his day with joy and love (especially showing up for his kid, which was important to him).

So, we co-created a challenge where he stopped watching the news for three weeks.

After our agreed time, we met again, and he reported enthusiastically how this experiment changed his BEING as a creative entrepreneur, husband, and dad. 

He said that he would continue not watching any news anymore.

He inspired me to try this approach, and since then, I have transformed into a happier, friendlier, and loving man.

In the beginning, it was challenging because I had the habit of checking a specific news site a couple of times a day. 

It was a thrill to see all the news until I realized that it was all about other people. 

Unfortunately, I can’t change wars, I can’t have any influence on the fires in California, nor (fortunately) has most of the global news a direct influence on my family right now. 

However, It doesn’t mean I don’t care, but I consciously choose to which projects I donate and how I change my life  towards a better future. It’s about personal choice and freedom.

So, I took control and blocked the news site on my Browser. 

This simple action empowered me to change my habit and regain control over my mental well-being again.

Research tells us that  constant exposure to negative information, such as the news, can have a damaging impact on our brain. 

When we experience a threat, our brain activates the fight or flight response, and the systems in our body react accordingly. 

This constant activation of the stress response can lead to fear, anxiety, and even depression.

I am not here to say what you should do, but I can share from my personal experience that if you try this experiment and stop watching or reading the news, you may find that your life feels ‘lighter’ and more loving towards yourself and others around you.

One question for the Weekend 

How are the news influencing your daily feelings?

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