Spirituality is… 

October 8

…recognizing the divine light that is within us all. It doesn’t belong to any particular religion; it belongs to everyone. 

I was struggling for almost all of my life to even speak out the word “Spirituality”. 

For me it was always connected to religion and it felt almost alien to accept that there is more that our physical world (especially as scientist).

However, the more I am doing my inner work and being open for spiritual teachings the more my life is changing to becoming a more loving and kind human being.

I stumbled on this legend that reflects on the question who we really are:

There is a Hindu legend about a time when all humans were gods, but they abused that divinity. They so abused it that Brahma, the chief god, decided to take it away from them and hide it where they would never find it again.

Where to hide it became the big question. The lesser gods were called into council to consider this question: “Where shall we hide humanity’s divinity?” The council said, “We will bury humanity’s divinity deep in the earth, but Brahma said, “No that will not do; one day they will dig down deep into the earth and will find it.”

Then they said, “We will sink their divinity into the deepest ocean.” Again Brahma replied, “No, not there, for they will learn to dive into the deepest waters, and search the ocean bed and find it.”

Then the lesser gods said, “We will take it to the top of the highest mountain and hide it there.” But again Brahma replied, “No, for eventually humans will climb every high mountain on earth; they will be sure some day to find it and take it up again.”

Then the lesser gods gave up and concluded, “We do not know where to hide it, for it seems there is no place on the earth or in the sea that humans will not eventually reach.” Then Brahma said, “Here is what we will do with humanity’s divinity. “We will hide it deep down in humans themselves; they will never think to look for it there.”

Ever since then, the legend concludes, humans have been going to and fro throughout the earth, climbing, digging, diving, exploring, and searching for something already within themselves. The divinity within humanity is still the best-kept secret of the ages.

In my opinion, this legend just shows how obsessed we are with DOING, instead of slowing down and getting to know who we really are inside.

Once I learned that there is more than hustling, my life transformed. I am calmer, more kind & loving to myself and my loved ones, and more connected to my inner spirit.

1 Question to Think About

How might your life be different if you prioritized understanding yourself over constant action and achievement?

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Spirituality is… 
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