Trust Your Intuition

October 8

Eight years ago, against all odds, I found myself in Buenos Aires, showcasing my work alongside four other international photographers in a stunning gallery. 

Sponsored by Converse (and scoring two pairs of shoes for free), we drew in over 100 people at the opening, even snagging an interview with a major TV station.

Why am I telling you this?

Because it happened despite EVERYONE saying concert photography was a dead-end

If I’d listened, my dream would’ve been shattered before it even began.

I see it all the time with clients: amazing ideas getting squashed by doubt

But here’s the kicker:

What gets you through? For me, it’s INTUITION. That gut feeling that whispers, “Keep going, this is it.”

So, to anyone feeling like their dream is “impossible,” I say, trust yourself. 

Follow that gut instinct, even if it leads you off the beaten path. Because sometimes, the wildest ideas are the ones that change the world.

1 Question to Think About

When was the last time you followed your gut feeling, and what was the outcome?

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Trust Your Intuition
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