I was listening to a WhatsApp voice message from a close friend when my world suddenly turned upside down.
I felt this feeling in my stomach that tells you you were betrayed. It felt like a punch in my gut.
My ego kicked in, and I started judging this friend on how dare he was, who he thought he was, and many other phrases that were too explicit to share.
What would I have done a couple of years ago?
I would have gone into full rage mode.
I would have sent an aggressive and complaining WhatsApp voice message back and told this friend that he should **** off.
I would have told him I was done with our deep, long-lasting relationship.
I would have deleted his telephone number and blocked him on my social media profiles.
I would have spent the rest of the week in self-pity and thinking about how unfair the world is to me.
I would have carried this bad experience inside me for the rest of my life.
Fortunately, due to my own transformational journey, I was able to react differently.
When I became aware of my judgments and unuseful thoughts:
I began to forgive myself.
I began to forgive my friend.
I sat into the feeling of “betrayal” and asked myself, “Is this the reality?”
I realized that I was projecting my rage onto the situation and how I saw it. There may be another perspective.
I sent a calm and non-judgmental WhatsApp voice message to my friend and explained how I was feeling.
He immediately got back to me and explained his perspective, and we both found out that his unconscious behavior triggered something in me.
We had an open and honest chat about it, and everything was sorted out.
My learning?
We all see the world through our own filters. Sometimes, we see things that are not the “reality,” or we judge people because they trigger something in us.
Judging is easy.
Not judging is not easy, but it’s a way to become a more loving being, and it will help you in all aspects of your life (especially in relationships).
One question for the Weekend
Where in your life are you judging yourself or others?